In January 2022, Ahlanas launched the developer release of our Snaps platform. Snaps is a system that allows anyone to safely expand the capabilities of Ahlanas. A "snap" is a JavaScript and/or WebAssembly program that we run in an isolated environment that can customize the wallet experience. For example, a snap can add new APIs to Ahlanas, add support for different blockchain protocols, or modify existing functionality using internal APIs. Snaps is a new way to create web3 end user experiences, by modifying Ahlanas in ways that were impossible before.
We are currently looking for React Native engineers to join our Snaps Platform team. Engineers in this role will collaborate closely with the Ahlanas Mobile team to ship Snaps to our mobile application. This includes many exciting technical challenges such as the secure execution environment for third party snaps code, the APIs available to snaps developers, the data layer interfaces and modules that connect snaps to Ahlanas, and the templating system that will allow snaps to customize the Ahlanas UI..